Life habits

Substance-Related Disorders – Prevalence of Cases Identified Using Administrative Databases, 2001-2016

This report presents the annual and cumulative prevalence of substance-related disorders (SRDs). It demonstrates the ability of the Québec Integrated Chronic Disease Surveillance System (QICDSS) to allow for the study of SRDs based on health administrative databases. Prevalences were determined based on administrative data from April 1, 2001 to March 31, 2016, for all persons eligible for coverage by the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec and aged 12 and older. To be identified as having an SRD, the individual must have had at least one medical visit or hospitalization resulting in a primary or secondary diagnosis of an SRD.

  • Over a 15-year period, 40 individuals per 1,000 were diagnosed with an alcohol-related disorder and 39 per 1,000 with a drug-related disorder. Approximately 13 per 1,000 were diagnosed with both an alcohol-related and a drug-related disorder. Thus, 66 individuals per 1,000 were diagnosed with at least one SRD.
  • The annual prevalence o…

Medical competencies directory in non-cancer pain management and opioid prescribing– Update

The prescription and use of opioid drugs has increased significantly in Québec in recent years. According to studies recently published by the Institut national de santé publique du Québec – INSPQ (Gagné et al., 2013; Gagné, Dubé, Légaré and Perron, 2015), an increase in the number of deaths and the mortality rate attributable to opioid overdose was also reported in the province between 2000 and 2012, among the population aged 20 and over.

As part of an agreement with Health Canada, a project funded by the Drug Strategy Community Initiatives Fund (DSCIF) has been implemented in Québec for 2015-2017 in order to address opioid prescribing practices in chronic non-cancer pain (CNCP) management, which is often associated with the overdose trends. The grant was awarded to the INSPQ as the project coordinator, in collaboration with the Collège des médecins du Québec, the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of Université de Sherbrooke, and the Centre de recherche et d’…

Best Spatial Planning Practices to Prevent the Effects of Environmental Noise on Health and Quality of Life

  • There are many sources of noise, which increase the difficulty of mitigating the effects. Some examples are noise from road and air traffic, as well as rail noise, noise from port (harbor) facilities or from construction sites.
  • Land-use planning and management are some effective and key noise control and mitigation measures. These measures are planned and implemented by regional county municipalities (RCM), municipalities and proponents.
  • There are various best environmental noise mitigation practices, from active transportation to street design, by way of the orientation of buildings and inner rooms, not to mention noise barriers and the addition of plants arranged in an optimal manner. Although the effectiveness of several of these measures has been quantified, they are poorly known.
  • Since environmental noise has harmful effects on people’s physical and psycho-social health and quality of life, applying these solutions will help properly protect…

A Practical Guide to Support Public Health Management and Intervention in Case of Reports and Episodes of Drug Overdoses

Tools :

Drug use is a current phenomenon creating concern among public authorities and the population. It represents an important public health issue because of the significant social and health impacts associated with it. Overdose, with or without death, is a serious health consequence of drug use. Throughout North America, overdoses are on the rise. This is part…

Acute Alcohol Poisoning and Sweetened Alcoholic Beverages

Acute alcohol poisoning occurs frequently in Québec. Between January 1 and November 26, 2017, provincial emergency rooms admitted 2,332 young people age 12–24 for acute alcohol poisoning. That is equivalent to 214 cases per month, 49 cases per week, or 7 cases per day.

These cases are serious. One quarter of young people age 12–24 admitted to the emergency room at the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Sherbrooke for alcohol-related problems had a priority level indicating that their lives were at risk.

The available data do not conclusively demonstrate that products with high alcohol and sugar content were the main cause of acute alcohol poisoning cases treated in Québec emergency rooms in 2017. Nonetheless, analysis of the data underscores a serious problem that justifies stronger preventive action.

Sales of sweetened alcoholic beverages are up in grocery and convenience stores in Québec. Products with the highest alcohol content show the highe…

Clinical Study on the Oral Health of Québec Elementary School Students in 2012-2013

At the request of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, the Institut national de santé publique du Québec conducted a study entitled Étude clinique sur l’état de santé buccodentaire des élèves québécois du primaire 2012-2013 (ÉCSBQ) [clinical study on the oral health of Québec elementary school students in 2012-2013]. This study assessed the oral health status of Grade 2 and Grade 6 students in Québec and highlighted trends in their oral health since the late 1990s.

For the first time in Québec, ÉCSBQ 2012-2013 used a new visual assessment system, making it possible to study not only non-reversible dental caries, which have been the focus of attention to date, but also reversible dental caries. Reversible dental caries, also known as non-obvious dental caries, are lesions that are limited to the early stages of the disease and that can be reversed through preventive action. As for non-reversible dental…

Making the man-made environment favourable for safe bike-riding!

Whether for recreation or transportation, safe bike-riding is the result of interactions between individuals’ and environments’ characteristics, including natural elements, as well as man-made and developed elements. This TOPO’s main objective is to present the results of scientific writings concerning the association between the man-made environment, bike-riding and cyclist safety.

Some elements of the man-made environment promote safe bike-riding and thereby contribute to maximizing the physical activity of bike-riding for transportation and recreation, while minimizing the risk of cyclist injuries. These elements and interventions are:

  • Reducing the speed and volume of motorized traffic using various traffic-calming measures;
  • Physically separating motorized traffic from bike-riding traffic (e.g., bicycle paths built into the road right-of-way);
  • Reconfiguring the road to give cyclists more space (e.g., bicycle paths built into the road rig…

Presence of Psychoactive Substances in Biological Samples From Drivers Fatally Injured in Québec From 2002 to 2013

Since 2002, the number of road traffic deaths in Québec has been falling steadily, even though the number of motor vehicles on the road – automobiles, in particular – has increased considerably. Nevertheless, the use of alcohol, drugs and medications is frequently cited as a cause of road traffic accidents by public authorities, since these psychoactive substances have the potential to impair driving.

The aim of this study is to present a profile of the psychoactive substances (i.e. alcohol, drugs and medications) examined and detected among motor vehicle and motorcycle drivers aged 16 years and over who were killed in road traffic accidents in Québec from 2002 to 2013.

The main findings are as follows:

  • The presence of psychoactive substances in the drivers of motor vehicles figured among the circumstances of death, but no assessment of a causal link between this presence and road traffic accidents was made.
  • The proportion of fatal…

Legalization of Non-medical Cannabis: A Public Health Approach to Regulation

  • Cannabis is the most commonly consumed illegal substance. The current system of prohibition and its sanctions do not prevent the use of this substance. The most recent data indicate that about 15% of the Québec population report having used cannabis in the past 12 months. More than half of those who have used cannabis report having used it less than once a month. Those who use it weekly or daily represent about a quarter of cannabis users.
  • Cannabis is not an ordinary product. It carries risks for public health and safety. Its psychoactive effects affect the ability to drive motor vehicles, can lead to dependence, can impair brain development in youth, and can potentially give rise to mental disorders. Smoking cannabis can also cause respiratory diseases. The legalization of non-medical cannabis provides an opportunity to create a regulatory system aimed at reducing the social and health problems associated with the use of this substance.
  • There are se…

Obesity and Overweight: What Are the Economic Impacts in Québec?

Analyses of the economic burdens related to various health issues affecting a population makes it possible to compare their relative significance. By documenting the costs linked to the use of health services and to productivity losses among individuals with health issues, these studies are invaluable to the decision makers who determine health priorities. 

Studies on the economic burden of obesity and overweight carried out in Canada and other industrialized countries, clearly demonstrate that the increased incidence of overweight generates additional costs in terms of the use of health services, and impacts the economic health of these societies. 

This TOPO provides an estimate of the economic consequences of obesity and overweight in Québec. The Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) has studied the evidence on this issue from an economic perspective. In it, we describe the behaviour of…