Veille signalétique en santé cognitive, avril 2021

Pour cette parution, nous avons privilégié les interventions environnementales centrées sur les facteurs de protection suivants : mode de vie physiquement actif, participation sociale et saine alimentation.

Changes in neighborhood-level socioeconomic disadvantage and older Americans’ cognitive functioning.

 Mode de vie physiquement actif     Participation sociale  

Settels, J., & Leist, A. K. (2021). Changes in neighborhood-level socioeconomic disadvantage and older Americans’ cognitive functioning. Health & Place, 68, 102510

The Association Between Dietary Pattern Adherence, Cognitive Stimulating Lifestyle, and Cognitive Function Among Older Adults From the Quebec Longitudinal Study on Nutrition and Successful Aging.

 Saine alimentation 

Parrott, M. D., Carmichael, P. H., Laurin, D., Greenwood, C. E., Anderson, N. D., Ferland, G., ... & Fiocco, A. J. (2020). The Association Between Dietary Pattern Adherence, Cognitive Stimulating Lifestyle, and Cognitive Function Among Older Adults From the Quebec Longitudinal Study on Nutrition and Successful Aging. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 73(4), 444-450.

Dance Intervention Affects Social Connections and Body Appreciation Among Older Adults in the Long Term Despite COVID-19 Social Isolation: A Mixed Methods Pilot Study

 Mode de vie physiquement actif  

Hansen, P., Main, C., & Hartling, L. (2021). Dance Intervention Affects Social Connections and Body Appreciation Among Older Adults in the Long Term Despite COVID-19 Social Isolation: A Mixed Methods Pilot Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 546.

The role of physical activity and brain training on cognitive functions and well-being in older adults

 Mode de vie physiquement actif  

Gervasi, A. M., D'Urso, G., Pace, U., Sberna, A., Caramanna, E., Rizza, L., ... & Passanisi, A. (2020). The role of physical activity and brain training on cognitive functions and well-being in older adults. Life Span and Disability, 23(1), 65–84.

Psychosocial and Social Environmental Factors as Moderators in the Relation between the Objective Environment and Older Adults' Active Transport

 Mode de vie physiquement actif      Participation sociale  

Nguyen, L. M., & Mertens, L. (2021). Psychosocial and Social Environmental Factors as Moderators in the Relation between the Objective Environment and Older Adults’ Active Transport. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(5), 2647.

Tai chi improves psychoemotional state, cognition, and motor learning in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic

 Mode de vie physiquement actif  

Solianik, R., Mickevičienė, D., Žlibinaitė, L., & Čekanauskaitė, A. (2021). Tai chi improves psychoemotional state, cognition, and motor learning in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Experimental Gerontology, 150: 111363.


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