Cervical cancer

Guidelines on Cervical Cancer Screening in Québec

Population targeted by the screening

All women who are sexually active or were in the past.

Sexual activities include all types of genital contact, with or without vaginal penetration, with male or female partners.

At what age should screening begin?

The recommended age to begin screening is 21.

However, screening can be delayed for women who have not yet had sexual activity at this age. Exceptionally and based on the…

Professional practice guidelines

Recommendations on optimizing cervical cancer screening in Québec

In 2007, the Comité sur l'immunisation du Québec (CIQ) recommended the establishment of a human papillomavirus (HPV) immunization program with the main objective of reducing the incidence of cervical cancer. In its recommendation paper, the CIQ pointed out the importance of measuring the impact of such a program and the necessary complementarity that should exist between the immunization program and cancer screening activities. However, it was not within the organization's mandate to issue…

Scientific advisory