Rapid knowledge synthesis

État des connaissances issues d’une revue accélérée de la littérature scientifique ou grise, le plus souvent de type narratif, portant sur une ou des questions spécifiques et présenté sous la forme d’un résumé ou de tableaux.

Preventing Loneliness in Young Adults in the Context of a Pandemic

Since the start of the pandemic, measures put in place to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus have led to several upheavals that have affected young adults. The closing of educational institutions, online learning, massive layoffs in sectors employing mostly young workers, the reduction of access to certain places of socialization usually frequented by young adults, the change in the offer of formal parenting support for young parents, and a reduction in access to mobility are factors…

Rapid knowledge synthesis

Support Document for the Advisory Committee on COVID-19 Transmission in School and Healthcare Environments and on the Role of Ventilation

This support document was written at the request of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS) to support the work of the members of the group of scientific and technical experts focusing on the use of ventilation in healthcare and educational institutions during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this document is, more specifically, to take stock of the current knowledge on the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in building interiors and to develop a portrait of the…

Rapid knowledge synthesis

COVID-19: Indigenous resilience, a lever to support

The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic and social repercussions have highlighted the social and health inequalities that make Indigenous communities particularly vulnerable to the pandemic and its impacts.

Rapid knowledge synthesis

COVID-19: Safe Use of Urban Parks and Green Spaces During Gradual Lockdown Lifting

The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines to support the use of parks and green spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic. It reviews the main health benefits of green spaces and the basic principles to be respected to reduce the risk of spreading the virus in these areas. The document also presents promising initiatives put forward by municipalities in Québec, Canada and elsewhere in the world aimed at promoting the safe and optimal use of parks and green spaces. Finally, some…

Rapid knowledge synthesis